Monday, October 20, 2008

Entertainment on the goldfields!!!!

On the goldfields, the miners played games to relieve the tension from trying to find their fortune.

  • Some of the time they played sport. The sports weren't like the sports that you played today eg: tennis or soccer. The sport were hunting. The miners would hunt kangaroos or possums.
  • They would also storytell and play music. While the music played they would also dance to it. Sometimes they had balls or a concert. This was mostly an excuse for dressing up and having a time to relax.
  • If not dancing they could read books.
  • When miners struck gold they would have a leisurely activity called "Letting off Steam". This would be only done in the night.

Even with all these fun and leisurely activities, life on the goldfields was tough.



grade56f said...



grade56f said...

i wanna know if they had giant chess???????????????


grade56f said...

What stories did they tell and what sort of music did they play and dance to?


grade56f said...

nice blog bro!! sick info

H.S.T walter

grade56f said...

Nice blog! But what did they hunt with?

LBJ (Hugh)

grade56f said...

Nice BLOG !!!!!!!!


grade56f said...

Hi Long nice blog

grade56f said...

Nice Job Long!
